新关注 > 信息聚合 > 你会作弊吗?看看外国人对付老师的神奇


Will you cheating? See foreigners to deal with the teacher's magic

2016-09-20 09:24:46来源: 中关村在线

| 责编:李诺 虽然俗话说“考试不作弊,明年当学弟”,但对于正义凛然的小编来说,宁愿选择当学弟,也不要作弊。然而,正义依然挡不住作弊的人前赴后继。先来看看外国学渣是如何作弊的。

Coordinating editor: Li Nuo Although the saying goes "exam cheating, when students" next year, but for justice awe-inspiring small make up, prefer to choose when students, also don't cheat. However, justice still stop cheating people advance wave upon wave. Let's look at how the foreign students with poor grades to cheat.