新关注 > 信息聚合 > 124分钟 奔驰有个"超大号"TVC

124分钟 奔驰有个"超大号"TVC

124 minutes Mercedes Benz has a "super sized TVC

2015-05-28 11:31:30来源: 爱卡汽车网

前阵子,曾有人发布过几张GLE 450 AMGSport Coupe的“数字定妆照”,让望眼欲穿的影迷和车迷好歹解了解馋。 别看现在奔驰春风得意,其实这段姻缘远没有大家想得那么简单。 据说,...

streak, once has been published gle 450 AMGSport coupe of" digital Dingzhuang Zhao ", let wangyanyuchuan of fans and fans somehow understand the greedy. Don't look now Benz brilliance, actually this marriage is not everyone want to be so simple. It is said that,...