新关注 > 信息聚合 > 贾静雯夫妇看演唱会搞笑合影 难得享受二人时光

贾静雯夫妇看演唱会搞笑合影 难得享受二人时光

Four couple photos of concert funny It's rare to enjoy two days

2016-07-25 10:00:39来源: 中国新闻网

中新网7月25日电 据台湾“中国时报”消息,五月天暌违4年多,近日在台北南港举行“Just Rock It 2016”户外演唱会,吸引万人挤入同欢,也有不少艺人到场,其中贾静雯、修杰楷夫妇也到场,夫...

Beijing, July 25 (Reuters) Mayday, according to Taiwan's "China times" separate more than four years, and recently held in Taipei nangang "Just Rock It 2016" outdoor concert, attracting ten thousand people packed into the same, there are many artists, including four, JieJie couple also there, man...