新关注 > 信息聚合 > 首届中国卡友节油挑战赛启动 全国海选轻卡节油一..

首届中国卡友节油挑战赛启动 全国海选轻卡节油一..

China's first card friends fuel saving challenge to start the auditions light truck fuel..

2015-07-18 22:20:17来源: 中国新闻网

中新网武汉7月18日电 (庞月娇 徐金波)首届“中国卡友节油挑战赛”18日在湖北武汉启动,大赛不分品牌、不限地域,只要你符合B2及以上驾照、驾龄超过2年、即可驾驶6米及以上自购轻卡前来参赛,举办方将...

Beijing, Wuhan, July 18 (Pang Yuejiao Xu Jinbo) the first "China card friends fuel saving challenge" started in Wuhan, Hubei Province on the 18th, contest, regardless of brand, limited regions, as long as you meet B2 or above driver's license, driving experience more than 2 years, can drive 6 meters and above, since the purchase of light truck came to the team, and the host will...