新关注 > 信息聚合 > 驻加使馆文化公参出席“渥太华之夏合唱音乐节”


Ottawa, culture and the Chinese embassy in add and attend the "summer of choral music festival"

2016-07-20 14:14:01来源: 中国大典编修指导委员会

7月16日晚,首届“渥太华之夏合唱音乐节”在卡尔顿大学音乐厅举行,来自渥太华和蒙特利尔共11个合唱团约300名演员同台演出,为在场听众献上一场盛宴。 中国驻加拿大大使馆公使衔文化参赞赵海生出席活...

Late July 16, the first "summer of Ottawa chorus festival" in carleton university hall, from Ottawa and Montreal with about 300 actor performing a total of 11 choir, a feast for the presence of the audience. The Chinese embassy in Canada rank cultural counsellor hai-sheng zhao to attend the live...