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这很战斗民族 Exorsus首杀塞纳留斯分析

It's combat national Exorsus first kill analysis cenarius

2016-10-01 17:53:57来源: 多玩游戏

众所周知,俄罗斯人一直是粗犷和野性的代表,而从这次Exorsus公会放出的M塞纳留斯首杀的视频来看,这家俄罗斯公会的采用的战术简直野到没边了。 我们现在已经知道了,在史诗模式下塞纳留斯最大的难点...

As is known to all, the Russian has been represented on the rugged and wild, and from this Exorsus association released video of M first kill cenarius, the Russian association's tactics of wild into the sky. We now know, cenarius's biggest difficulty in epic mode...