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万科股东大战令人云里雾里 郁亮说他也有些云的感受

Vanke shareholders war clouds the fog YuLiang said he also some the feeling of the cloud

2016-07-05 16:21:49来源: 新浪网

“过去大半年时间里面,万科的事情让大家感觉到云山雾里,风起云涌。我们多多少少也拥有着一些云的感受。” 在今天的2016腾讯“云+未来”峰会上,万科公司总裁郁亮要谈谈关于“云”的感受,结合万科对云的运用,阐述传统行业与云的结合。 郁亮表示,之前万科就曾去腾讯学习,实际上已经开始拥抱互联...

"In the past I rectified time inside, vanke's things let everybody feel cloud mountain fog, system. We also have some more or less cloud feel." In today's 2016, tencent "cloud + future" summit, President of vanke YuLiang have to talk about the feeling of the "cloud", combining with vanke in the use of the cloud, the combination of traditional industries and the cloud. YuLiang, said before the vanke has to study, tencent has actually been embraced Internet...