新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微软与Adobe达成合作为大客户提供云产品


Microsoft and Adobe reached cooperation provide cloud products for large customers

2016-09-27 12:44:26来源: TechWeb

北京时间9月27日消息,据外媒报道,微软与Adobe达成合作,为他们共同的大型客户群提供云产品,这有助于微软更好地与云服务市场领头羊亚马逊竞争。 微软Azure云服务 双方周一在声明中称,借助这...

Beijing time on September 27, news, according to foreign media reports, Microsoft and Adobe reached cooperation, to provide cloud products for their common large customer base, it will help Microsoft to better compete with leading amazon cloud services market. Microsoft Azure cloud services The two sides said in a statement on Monday, with the aid of this...

标签: 微软