新关注 > 信息聚合 > 强势反弹逾百点!英镑/美元这是怎么了?


Strong rebound more than one hundred points! What's going on here?

2016-07-11 20:06:00来源: 新浪

FX168财经报社(香港)讯 周一(7月11日)欧市盘中,空头回补,英镑/美元持续反弹逾百点扳回早前跌幅,最高触及1.2990,早前一度最低触及1.2851,逼近上周触及的31年低位1.2811,缘...

FX168 financial newspaper (Hongkong) hearing on Monday (July 11th) the European market trading, short covering, GBP / USD continued to rebound more than 100 points back earlier decline, the highest reach 1.2990, the lowest was earlier hit 1.2851, approaching 31 years last week hit a low of 1.2811 yuan...