新关注 > 信息聚合 > 尘埃落定,名记曝张稀哲已与国安续约5年


The dust settles, names are written revealed a thin zhe has been with the national security contract for 5 years

2016-09-30 02:39:10来源: 华体网

体育9月29日讯 前不久,多家媒体曝出张稀哲合约到期有可能离开国安的传闻。据知名记者袁野(微博:宋词)于周四晚间在其个人微博透露的消息称,张稀哲已经与国安续约5年,纷纷扰扰的传言终于可以告一段落。 ...

On September 29, sports news recently, many media revealed a thin zhe contract likely to leave the national security. According to the well-known journalist I need you (weibo: song ci) on Thursday night on his personal microblog said, a rare zhe has extended his contract with the national security for five years, depoliticization rumors can finally come to an end. ...