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保健品市场疯长背后:对老人跪地营销 传销式洗脑

Health care products market growing behind: the old man knelt down to marketing MLM type brainwashing

2016-06-22 01:29:07来源: 新浪网

保健品市场疯长背后:对老人跪地营销 传销式洗脑 中新网北京6月22日电(邱宇) 在迅速发展的保健品行业中,老年人成为消费的主力军。中国保健协会的数据显示,目前我国保健品的年销售额约2000亿元,...

Health care products market growing behind: the old man knelt down to marketing MLM type brainwashed addition to Beijing, June 22 (Reuters) - chingmy yau) in the rapid development of the health care industry, elderly people become the main force of consumption. China health care association, according to data from the annual sales of about 200 billion yuan of health products in our country,...