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学生当"廉价劳动力"? 山东一职校强迫实习引争议

Students as "cheap labor"? A vocational schools in shandong force internship contentious

2016-09-23 04:26:53来源: 中国新闻网

新华社北京9月22日新媒体专电(记者许晋豫 王志)近日,有山东圣翰财贸职业学院大二学生在网上反映:“刚上大二就被学校派去实习,每天工作12小时,工作10天只发了700元工资,部分学生出现过敏等症状,...

Xinhua Beijing on September 22 new media special telegram (reporter xu JinYu wang zhi) recently, with the shandong st. John finance &trade vocational college sophomore students to reflect on the Internet: "just sophomore year was sent to school internship, work 12 hours a day, 10 days only sent 700 yuan of wages, some students appear the symptom such as allergies,...