新关注 > 信息聚合 > 首节就花?勇士落后20分 单节22投17铁仅拿到11分

首节就花?勇士落后20分 单节22投17铁仅拿到11分

The first section is flower? Warriors 20 points behind single section 22 cast iron only 17 to 11 points

2016-06-17 10:10:25来源: 网易

网易体育6月17日报道: 北京时间6月17日,NBA总决赛迎来第6战。 比赛开始之后,场面超乎了所有人的想象,骑士上来就各种虐菜,把勇士打得毫无还手之力。 首节结束,勇士11-31落后,11分创下勇士赛季单节最低分。整个一节,勇士22次出手,仅命中5球。美国记者更是调侃的说,勒布朗...

June 17, netease sports coverage: Beijing time on June 17, the sixth NBA finals. After the match began, scene beyond everyone's imagination, knights come up all sorts of abuse, beat the warriors have no strike back. End of the first section, the mighty 11-31, single section 11 points in the mighty season the lowest points. The whole section, the mighty 22 shots, hitting only five goals. American journalist is fun, said lebron...