新关注 > 信息聚合 > 意在大众玩家 上市公司在沪发布电竞战略

意在大众玩家 上市公司在沪发布电竞战略

Aimed at the masses of the listed company e-sports strategy released in Shanghai

2016-07-27 01:50:48来源: 环球网

图片说明:发布会现场 东方网记者方翔7月26日报道:今天,创业板挂牌上市企业盛天网络(300494)在上海召开“亿万梦想快乐电竞”电竞战略发布会,首度公布其在电竞领域的完整战略,并启动独立电竞品牌...

Explanation: this event News reporter Fang Xiang July 26: today, the gem listing enterprise network (300494) held in Shanghai sheng day "e-sports" billions of dream happy e-sports strategic conferences, published for the first time the whole strategy in the field of e-sports, and start the e-sports brand independent...

标签: 电竞