新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新兵连的“大头兵”头围达65cm 部队为其定制军帽

新兵连的“大头兵”头围达65cm 部队为其定制军帽

Xinbinglian "grunt" 65cm forces for customized head cap

2016-10-04 10:38:00来源: 中国青年网

“量身定制”帽子和普通帽子对比。詹程开 摄 “大头大头,下雨不愁,人有雨伞,我有大头……”这首童谣相信不少人都听过吧?不过,就因为从小长着一个大头,省武警总队直属支队新兵二连的新战士林峰旗,心里...

"Tailored" hat and ordinary hat contrast. Zhan Chengkai photo "big head, rain not worry, people have an umbrella, I have a big head......" This song I believe many people have heard of it? However, because he grew up with a big head, the Provincial Armed Police Corps detachment of recruits directly under the new two even Raymond Lam's banner, in the heart...