新关注 > 信息聚合 > vivo X7曜石黑特别版发布,9月19日开启预约

vivo X7曜石黑特别版发布,9月19日开启预约

Vivo X7 obsidian black special edition release, open appointment on September 19

2016-09-15 03:45:41来源: 搜狐

IT之家9月13日消息,就在刚刚,vivo正式对外发布了vivo X7的全新配色版本——曜石黑特别版,定于9月19日上午10点开启预约,价格暂时没有公布。 资料显示,黑曜石本身是一种常见的黑色宝石,是从火山熔岩流出来的岩浆突然冷却后形成的天然琉璃,属于非晶质的宝石,具有类似玻璃的光泽,...

IT home on September 13, just, vivo officially released vivo X7 - new color version of obsidian black special edition, is scheduled to open appointment at 10 a.m. on September 19, the price is not released for the time being. Data shows, obsidian itself is a common black stones, sudden cooling from lava flows out after the formation of the natural colored glaze, belongs to the amorphous nature of gem, with similar glass luster,...