新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刘国梁为证身高与林志玲合影 网友:志玲站起来

刘国梁为证身高与林志玲合影 网友:志玲站起来

Liu guoliang for height and chiling Lin Net friend: chi ling to stand up

2016-09-21 14:22:49来源: 环球网

昨日下午(9月20日)刘国梁在微博晒出一张与林志玲的合影,并配文:“我记得有个别队员和粉丝一直在好奇我的身高 甚至还质疑有没有160……自己看图参考啊”。照片中,刘林二人比肩而立,174厘米的林志玲在刘国梁面前显得小鸟依人,不过有网友也调侃林志玲故意放水,大呼“志玲姐姐站起来”。 网...

Yesterday afternoon (Sept. 20) liu guoliang in weibo drying out a group photo with Lin, and a caption: "I remember a few players and fans have been curious about my height Even questioned ever 160... you look at the picture reference ah ". Along in this photo, on Sunday, and 174 cm Lin look bird in accordance with the people in front of liu guoliang, but some netizens poking fun at Lin also deliberately drain, shouted "tzu chi ling elder sister stood up." Net...