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The first cross-media festival debut China Academy of Art

2015-12-29 15:48:32来源: 新浪

“迷因城市:骇进现实”首届跨媒体艺术节 开幕式现场 中国美术学院美术馆馆长余旭鸿主持开幕式 中国美术学院副院长高士明致辞 “迷因城市:骇进现实”首届跨媒体艺术节于2015年12月24日下午3...

\"Memes City: hack into reality,\" the first cross-media festival opening ceremony of China Academy of Fine Arts curator Yu Xuhong presided over the opening ceremony of the China Academy of Fine Gao Shiming, vice president of speech, \"memes City: hack into reality,\" the first Intermedia Art Festival December 24, 2015 3:00 pm ...