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Official: Florence signing young polish goalkeeper

2016-07-05 19:13:52来源: 华体网

佛罗伦萨官方宣布,球队正式从波兰乔治罗尼亚俱乐部签下18岁的门将德拉戈夫斯基。 德拉戈夫斯基现年18岁,是波兰U21国门。很多球队都在关注这名天才门将,这其中包括塞维利亚、RB莱比锡等球队,不过最...

Fiorentina officials announced that the team from Poland George himself to the club officially signed 18-year-old goalkeeper gove Della base. Della gove, is 18 years old, is Poland's U21 international. Many teams are paying attention to the talented goalkeeper, including the sevilla, leipzig, RB, such as the team, but the most...