新关注 > 信息聚合 > 虚幻4下的沙盒世界 《黑暗与光明》场景独家解析

虚幻4下的沙盒世界 《黑暗与光明》场景独家解析

Unreal sandbox under 4 world of dark and light scene exclusive parsing

2016-09-24 09:12:15来源: 17173

《黑暗与光明》是蜗牛游戏即将推出的一款全球魔幻类沙盒网络游戏,预计今年年底登陆Steam。今日,17173从《黑暗与光明》项目组获取到一组游戏内的场景设定细节和部分玩法说明,一起来了解一下吧。 游...

The dark and light is the upcoming a snail game world fantasy sand box of online games, are expected to log in Steam at the end of this year. Today, 17173 from the dark and light project team to get a set of game set in detail and some play, learn together. Swim...