新关注 > 信息聚合 > 复旦大学青岛研究院启用 系本部之外首个院区

复旦大学青岛研究院启用 系本部之外首个院区

Fudan University, Qingdao Institute of research and opening of the Department of the first hospital outside the district

2016-10-01 15:42:05来源: 青岛新闻网

9月29日,复旦大学青岛研究院在青岛西海岸新区正式启用,这是复旦大学上海本部之外的首个院区。 据介绍,复旦大学青岛研究院由青岛市人民政府、复旦大学和西海岸新区三方共建,统筹三方在教育、科技、医疗...

In September 29th, the Qingdao Research Institute of Fudan University was officially opened in the west coast of Qingdao, which is the first hospital outside the Department of Fudan University in Shanghai. According to reports, the Qingdao Institute of Fudan University, Qingdao Municipal People's government, Fudan University and the West Coast District three to build, to co-ordinate the three parties in education, science and technology, medical...