新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《邪恶催眠师》作者周浩晖或起诉于正


"Evil hypnotist" author Zhou Haohui or sue Yu Zheng

2015-01-10 07:09:29来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 (吴波)日前,网友指出于正工作室编剧的电视剧《美人制造》涉嫌抄袭小说《邪恶催眠师》情节,《邪恶催眠师》是著名悬疑作家周浩晖的作品。有观众指出《美人制造》第29、30集关于迷魂术、咬人、跳楼...

[Abstract] (Wu Bo) recently, netizens pointed out that the Yu Zheng studio screenwriter for the TV series "beauty" novel "manufacturing alleged plagiarism evil hypnotist" plot, "evil" is a famous hypnotist suspense writer Zhou Haohui. The audience pointed out that "beauty" of twenty-ninth, 30 sets of manufacturing operation, bite, jump off building...