新关注 > 信息聚合 > 买断费用400万,乔尔卢卡将加盟佛罗伦萨


The buyout fee of 4 million, Corluka will join Florence

2016-08-12 01:45:00来源: 华体网

体育8月10日讯 意大利媒体称,佛罗伦萨将以先租后买的方式签下乔尔卢卡,后者的买断费用为400万欧元。 佛罗伦萨最近一直在和莫斯科火车头商讨乔尔卢卡的转会,据悉目前双方已经达成一致,紫百合将以先租...

Sports news August 10th Italy media said that Florence will take the rent after the first buy signing of orluka, the latter of the buyout fee is 4 million euros. Florence has recently been in Moscow to discuss the transfer of locomotive Corluka, it is reported that the two sides have agreed to rent the viola...