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Ningbo Yinzhou Kang representatives played

2016-03-11 05:07:56来源: 网易

金报讯(记者 郑乔)2016中国城市足球联赛4月开赛,共有全国64个城市的球队将参与角逐。曾参加去年CCTV-5“谁是球王”全国海选华东区决赛的鄞州康发,此次将代表宁波出战。 中国城市足球联赛赛事...

Gold (Reporter Zheng Qiao) 2016 China City Football League start of April, a total of 64 cities nationwide teams will participate in the competition. Had participated in last year's CCTV-5 "Who is number one" national audition Eastern Region finals Kang Yinzhou, Ningbo will represent the play. China City Football League tournament ...