新关注 > 信息聚合 > 薛明:日本魔鬼主场十分可怕 女排表现值得肯定

薛明:日本魔鬼主场十分可怕 女排表现值得肯定

Xue Ming: Japanese devil at home is very terrible women volleyball team's performance is worth affirmation Sohu

2015-09-07 04:38:21来源: 搜狐

新京报讯 中国女排夺得世界杯冠军的消息,让许多排坛名将非常振奋。作为中国女排曾经的一员,北京姑娘薛明在电视机前观看了中国女排与日本女排的夺冠之战。接受新京报记者采访时,薛明表示,能在日本的魔鬼主场夺...

xinjingbao hearing, Chinese women's volleyball team won the world cup champion of the news, let many volleyball star is very exciting. As China women's volleyball team once a member, Beijing girl Xue Ming watched the women's volleyball team and the Japanese women's volleyball team won the Chinese battle in front of the tv. In an interview with Beijing News reporter, said Xue Ming, the devil took home court in japan...