新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美国公开赛次轮 伍兹变身沙坑王子76杆未能晋级

美国公开赛次轮 伍兹变身沙坑王子76杆未能晋级

U. S. open second round woods turned Prince bunker 76 pole failed to qualify for

2015-06-20 09:44:47来源: 搜狐

搜狐体育讯 北京时间6月20日,2015美国公开赛次轮的比赛在钱伯斯湾举行,泰格-伍兹首轮80杆(+10)结束了第一轮之后,在第二轮仍然一蹶不振,全场8只柏忌2只小鸟,最终76杆,高于标准杆6杆,总...

Sohu sports news Beijing time on June 20, 2015 U.S. open second round match held in chambers Bay, Tiger Woods in the first round of 80 bar (+ 10) over after the first round, in the second round is still a stumble sluggish, full 8 only Bai 2 avoid bird, finally 76 lever, higher than the standard bar 6 bar, the total...