新关注 > 信息聚合 > 广州市足协处罚“小学生假球事件”相关方


The guangzhou football association punishment "pupils a journalism" related party

2016-10-11 02:28:46来源: 中国新闻网

新华社广州10月10日电(记者王浩明)广州市足协10日召开新闻通气会,宣布对“小学生假球事件”的相关方进行处罚:广州亿达俱乐部被禁止在广州市足协注册3年,tikitaka队被禁止参加广州市足球协会比赛。 5日,在“2016亿达锐克金秋杯青少年足球邀请赛”U11的最后一场比赛中,tik...

Xinhua guangzhou on October 10 report (reporter Wang Haoming) press, guangzhou football association 10th announced related parties of "pupil match-fixing event" punishment: guangzhou yida club have been banned in the guangzhou football association registered for 3 years, tikitaka team be banned from the guangzhou football association game. 5, in "2016" sharp grams in golden cup juvenile football tournament "U11 the last game, tik...