新关注 > 信息聚合 > 盲人无法辨别12306图形验证码 将铁总告上法庭

盲人无法辨别12306图形验证码 将铁总告上法庭

Blind people can't distinguish between 12306 graphic verification code The total iron to court

2016-09-29 01:48:56来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline 资讯】12306网站的图形验证码在刚开始推出时,就曾在网络上掀起过一阵热议,被网友调侃为是“认图+常识”的考验,甚至还被误认为是PS恶搞。 防火防盗防刷票,12306为了防刷票...

】 【 PConline information graphic verification code at the beginning of 12306 web site launched, have had a heated debate, and on the Internet by netizens as is the test of "map-reading + common sense", even be mistaken for PS parody. Fire alarm control brush votes, 12306 in order to prevent brush ticket...