新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第六届环鄱阳湖自行车大赛鸣枪 逾30国选手竞技

第六届环鄱阳湖自行车大赛鸣枪 逾30国选手竞技

The sixth ring Poyang Lake bicycle competition fired more than 30 countries contestant athletics

2015-09-12 15:45:53来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动 来自中华台北ATG职业车队的选手卢绍轩率先冲过终点,夺得首站比赛冠军。 中新社发 刘占昆 摄 共有30余个国家和地区的20多支职业自行车队近200名职业选手参赛。 中新社发 刘占昆...

involved in the interaction Lu Shaoxuan Chinese Taipei ATG professional teams of runners crossed the finish line first from the, won the first race of the championship. Photo agency issued Liu Zhankun a total of more than 20 branch occupation more than 30 countries and regions to the team of nearly 200 contestants occupation. Liu Zhankun agency issued...