新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一篇文读懂互联网医疗的进化与颠覆


A text read Internet health evolution and subversion

2015-03-27 00:12:31来源: 199IT

什么是互联网医疗? 一张图看懂互联网医疗的5大领域 互联网医疗:连通全产业链,互联网与医疗的融合 主体商业模式:进化与颠覆 中国智能可穿戴设备市场规模,2014年约为22亿元。 2015年...

what is the Internet Medical? A picture understand Internet health in 5 major areas: Internet Medical connecting the whole industry chain, the main business model of the Internet and the fusion of medical: evolution and subversion Chinese wearable intelligent equipment market scale, in 2014 was about 2200000000 yuan. In 2015...