新关注 > 信息聚合 > 黄金基金经理看好四季度黄金避险价值


Gold fund managers look good in the fourth quarter gold safety value

2016-10-25 11:52:29来源: 中国网

今年以来,伴随着避险情绪升温,黄金价格持续上扬。从已经披露的2016年三季报来看,多位黄金基金经理表示继续看好黄金后市,四季度看好黄金的避险价值。 已经披露的基金三季报显示,3只黄金交易型开放式指数基金(ETF)基本保持高仓位运作,国泰黄金ETF、华安易富黄金ETF、博时黄金ETF的...

Since this year, with the risk aversion to heat up, gold prices continue to rise. From the perspective of a has disclosed three quarterly reports in 2016, more than gold fund manager said continue bullish on gold afternoon, in the fourth quarter value bullish on gold as a safe haven. Funds have disclosed three quarterly reports, according to three type gold open index fund (ETF) basic operation to maintain a high positions, guotai gold ETF, hua ezsafe rich gold ETF, when rich gold ETF...