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Deep into the legal history -- Study on Chinese legal history, the present situation..

2015-02-09 21:24:08来源: 人民网甘肃视窗

制图:蔡华伟 我国对法律史展开研究已经有100多年的历史。改革开放以后,法律史学界焕发了青春,步入较为迅速的发展时期。 研究成果日益增多,学术梯队逐渐形成 从我国当前法律史研究发展的整体状况来看,有分量的成果不断增多,老中青三个年龄层次的人才梯队逐步形成,展现出一种蓬勃向上的...

drawing: Cai Huawei on China's legal history research has 100 years of history. After the reform and opening up, legal history coruscate green, entered period of development more quickly. The research results is increasing, the academic echelon gradually formed from the overall situation of China's current legal history development point of view, a component of the growing old results, three age levels talents echelon gradually formed, showing a vigorous...