新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏本也轻薄 买联想拯救者E700就送车

游戏本也轻薄 买联想拯救者E700就送车

Game this thin also buy lenovo savior E700 sent car

2016-09-24 15:15:59来源: IT168

【IT168 行情】在学生朋友购买笔记本时,游戏本因其强大的性能往往会成为首选,但市面上的游戏本大多数都有着厚重的机身,这让那些希望带着游戏本去同学那打游戏的学生望而却步,不过今天小编就给大家带来一款轻薄游戏本,联想拯救者E700,并且即日起至10月16日,凭学生证或入学通知书,到联想指...

[IT168 market] in the student friends when buying a laptop, this game because of its strong performance tend to be preferred, but on the market the most has the heavy body, this let those who want to take the game to students that students play the game, but small make up today will bring you a frivolous games, lenovo savior E700, with immediate effect and until October 16, with student id card or letter of admission, the association refers to...

标签: 游戏