新关注 > 信息聚合 > 范冰冰获蔡康永赠画 内容似与张馨予相撞

范冰冰获蔡康永赠画 内容似与张馨予相撞

Fan Bingbing won the Kevin Tsai painting content like and Zhang Xinyu collided youth network

2015-12-17 03:51:53来源: 中国青年网

腾讯娱乐讯(文/嬷嬷)12月16日下午,范冰冰在微博晒出一张蔡康永所赠画作,画中一女子正在用剪刀剪掉鼻子上的玫瑰,而所坐之处玫瑰散落一地。 范冰冰在微博上写道:“那天在台北的一间咖啡厅,看到墙上...

Los Angeles (text / mammy) December 16th afternoon, Fan Bingbing microblogging drying out a gift of Kevin Tsai paintings, painting a woman is using scissors to cut off the nose of the rose, and sat in the roses scattered on the ground. Fan Bingbing wrote on Twitter: "the day in a cafe in Taipei, see the wall...