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少讲大道理 不搞灌输式海曙品格教育重细节

Less speak truth Don't make the non-computer majors haishu character education details

2016-10-29 14:36:59来源: 中国宁波网

在广济中心小学,一幢5层的教学楼,每层设学生楼长,管理厕所保洁,洁净程度不亚于星级宾馆;午餐时间,小太阳义工队的同学为低段学生摆放汤匙碗筷…… “根据学生不同年龄阶段的身心发展规律,开展有针对性...

In wide central primary school, a five floors of a building, each floor a student there, and management of toilet cleaning, clean as star hotels; Lunch time, small sun volunteer team of students as low section of the students put the spoon bowl chopsticks... "According to the student body and mind development regularity of different ages, for a targeted...