新关注 > 信息聚合 > 车主奥迪被法院扣押后频收违章短信 纪委调查

车主奥迪被法院扣押后频收违章短信 纪委调查

Owner audi frequency after being captured in the court accept discipline inspection commission investigating illegal text messages

2016-06-07 19:49:01来源: 搜狐

据《民事裁定书》显示王晓新的奥迪车于2014年8月6日被龙口法院扣押。 山东龙口人王晓新因在一起经济纠纷案中未按期履行调解书,龙口市法院裁定对他强制执行,扣押了他名下的一辆奥迪A5。该车被扣押期...

Wang xiao new audis according to the civil verdict on August 6, 2014 dragon court seizure. Shandong longkou xiao-xin wang for the economic case fail to perform the conciliation statement, egg court enforcement to him, seized his an audi A5. The vehicle detention period...