新关注 > 信息聚合 > 蔡依林侯佩岑世纪破冰 因周杰伦结怨11年

蔡依林侯佩岑世纪破冰 因周杰伦结怨11年

Jolin tsai Patty century to break the ice Due to jay's offended for 11 years

2016-08-03 00:07:12来源: 新浪

新浪娱乐讯 据台湾媒体报道,侯佩岑与蔡依林[微博]11年前因周杰伦而反目,自此后不见后,结果今晚在林心如[微博]归宁上相逢,在知名导演邱璃宽(宽姊)牵线下,双姝微笑合照,堪称世纪破冰。 2007...

Sina entertainment inquiry According to Taiwan media reports, Patty hou and jolin tsai [microblogging] 11 years ago by jay Chou, since then see results tonight in the lin2 xin such as [microblogging] on mothering meet, with the high glass (sis) wide wide famous director auspices, two girls smile, photo is a century to break the ice. 2007...