新关注 > 信息聚合 > 挪威华裔天才之母:盼儿子能为中国效力


The mother of Norwegian Chinese Genius: Hope son can China effect

2015-05-25 16:33:28来源: 华体网

日前,特约撰稿人Jallo Tang采访了被誉为“挪威天才少年”约翰-侯-赛特(中文名:侯永永)的母亲。出生于1998年的侯永永目前效力于挪超联赛,其母亲名叫侯豫榕,河南洛阳人,早年移民挪威。候女士...

recently, freelance writer Jallo Tang with the known as the "Norwegian boy genius" John - Hou - poll (Chinese Name: Hou Yongyong) mother. Born in 1998 Hou Yongyong is currently playing in the Norwegian League. His mother's name was Hou Yurong, Henan Luoyang, early immigrants in Norway. Ms. designate...