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拿奖拿到手软!C罗再获西甲奖项 为金球奖造势

Take the prize to get soft! C Luo won La Liga Award for Golden Globe Award campaign

2014-11-25 02:48:16来源: 网易

皇马俱乐部官方网站公布了9月和10月马奥5星奖球员名单,C罗和伊斯科当选,这两名球员为皇马占据积分榜榜首位置贡献巨大。 网易体育11月24日报道: 北京时间11月24日晚,皇马俱乐部官方网站公布...

Real Madrid club official website announced the September and October Mao 5 star award list of players, C Luo and ESCO was elected, the two player for Real Madrid to occupy the scoreboard first place position contribution. NetEase sports in November 24th reported: Beijing time on the night of November 24th, Real Madrid club official website...