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【战术板】大师级变阵 西蒙尼挽狂澜拯救马竞

Tactical board master 】 the changes Simone to pull to save atletico Madrid

2016-05-04 09:28:08来源: 华体网

腾 体育5月4日 在开场后很长时间内无法越过半场,被对手连珠炮一般的射门挤压得近乎窒息,做客安联球场的马德里竞技仿佛深陷无间炼狱。阿隆索的任意球将双方拉回同一起跑线,当吉梅内斯犯规送点后绝望摊...

Sports May 4 After the opening, a long time can't over half pressed by rivals in shot, almost choking, a guest at the allianz arena atletico Madrid as if in a world. Alonso's free kick to the two sides back to the same starting line, send out despair when Jimenez foul...