新关注 > 信息聚合 > 库蒂尼奥谈大胜秘诀:跑动多为队友创造机会


Library moutinho about victory over secret: running more than to create opportunities for teammates

2016-11-07 09:17:23来源: 华体网

体育11月6日讯 利物浦在本轮联赛大开杀戒,主场6-1血洗沃特福德,赛后红军中场库蒂尼奥解释了他们打入6球的原因。 他说:“主教练要求我们多跑动,那就是我们努力在比赛中所做的事情,为自己的队友创造...

Sports on November 6, murder - Liverpool in the league, 6-1 to annihilate watford at home, after the game the reds midfielder library, mourinho explained why they scored six goals. He said: "the coach asked us to run more, that is what we strive to do in the game, as his teammates...