新关注 > 信息聚合 > 嘉市红十字会在全市教育系统培训应急救护师


The zhuhai Red Cross society in the city's education system training should be first aid nurses

2016-07-14 11:09:39来源: 甘肃新闻网

甘肃新闻网7月14日电 据甘肃省卫计委披露,7月4日—8日,嘉峪关市红十字会联合市教育局在市一中举办应急救护师资培训班,来自全市各学校、幼儿园的50名教师和卫生系统的10余名志愿者参加了此次培训。省...

News network in gansu province, July 14 (Reuters) According to the gansu province health development planning commission, on July 4, 8, jiayuguan city Red Cross joint city bureau of education held in the city one emergency rescue the teachers training, 50 teachers from the city's schools, kindergartens and health systems of 10 volunteers took part in the training. Province...