新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美媒称中国景区响应“厕所革命” 有卫生间还配沙发

美媒称中国景区响应“厕所革命” 有卫生间还配沙发

Us media say China's scenic spot response "toilet revolution" has a toilet also match sofa

2017-01-08 10:12:50来源: 参考消息

参考消息网1月8日报道 美媒称,雾霾是中国政府发誓要解决的问题。如今,另一个问题也引起了相关部门的注意,这是许多游客都要面对的一个问题:脏乱差的厕所。 据美国《纽约时报》网站1月6日报道,中国政府...

Reference news network reported on January 8 The media said, haze is the Chinese government has vowed to solve the problem. Now, another question also attracted the attention of the relevant departments, this is many people have to face a problem: "thirty-three of the toilet. According to the New York times website on January 6, the Chinese government...