新关注 > 信息聚合 > 自带流量的IP品牌 爱奇艺说有这三大玩法

自带流量的IP品牌 爱奇艺说有这三大玩法

Take traffic IP brand IQIYI said had the three style

2016-12-22 06:20:22来源: 亿邦动力网

【亿邦动力网讯】12月21日消息,在2016亿邦未来零售大会上,爱奇艺副总裁、电商负责人白涛表示,IP最大的价值其实是自带流量,IP价值等于品牌价值,所有IP就是能明确你的目标用户群在哪里。 白涛...

"Billion state power network -" on December 21, news, retail conference in the future of the 201.6 billion nations, iQIYI Bai Tao vice President, the electricity business chief, said IP's greatest value is actually bring flow, IP value equal to the brand value, all IP is where your target audience is clearly. Bai Tao...

标签: 流量