新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为了让本国国民放心 这个国家的食品不用中国的原..

为了让本国国民放心 这个国家的食品不用中国的原..

In order to let their citizens rest assured the food in this country without China original..

2016-03-30 23:18:59来源: 环球网

这两天,有网贴宣称,澳大利亚最大的一家婴幼儿食品企业,为了让澳洲人吃的放心,特别在公司的产品包装袋上用“粗体字”写上了这样一句话:“我们的产品不含有任何来自中国的原料”。 于是,这条网贴很快就火爆了...

Net, these two days, that Australia's largest infant food enterprises, in order to let the australians eat at ease, especially on the company's product packaging bags with "bold" to write such a sentence: "our products do not contain any raw materials from China". So, the net post soon hot...