新关注 > 信息聚合 > 摘星筑梦——第13届学院奖春季赛圆满落幕


The stars dream -- the 13th Academy Awards of the spring season ended

2015-08-06 17:27:48来源: 中国广播网

颁奖典礼现场盛况 2015年7月25日-26日,由中国广告协会主办,广告人杂志社承办的第13届中国大学生广告艺术节学院奖颁奖盛典在梅地亚中心成功举办。在一天半的航程中,全体“旅客”搭乘“梅地亚号...

ceremony grand 2015 July 25 - 26, sponsored by the China Advertising Association, advertising magazine hosted the 13th China advertising art students section of the Academy Awards ceremony at the media center held successfully. In one half of the voyage, the "passenger" on the "media no....