新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第七届海峡影视季颁奖仪式在厦门举行


The seventh channel television season awards ceremony in Xiamen held on 13

2015-06-13 12:28:00来源: 中国青年网

6月13日,第七届海峡影视季颁奖仪式在厦门市小白鹭艺术中心举行。(中国台湾网 陈佳慧 摄) 中国台湾网6月13日厦门讯(记者 陈佳慧) 13日,以“光影航程”为主题的第七届海峡影视季颁奖仪式在厦门市小白鹭艺术中心举行。颁奖仪式着力展现两岸影视交流合作历程与成就,《致青春》、《不能说的...

6 month, the seventh channel television season awards ceremony in Xiamen Egret Art Center was held. (China Taiwan network Chen Jiahui photo) China Taiwan network June 13 Xiamen news (reporter Chen Jiahui) 13, to "light flight" as the theme of the seventh channel television season awards ceremony in Xiamen Egret Art Center held. The award ceremony focus on the cross-strait film and television exchange cooperation and achievements, "Youth", "can not say...