新关注 > 信息聚合 > 世界杯亚预赛抽签:国足卡塔尔不丹中国香港同组


World Cup Asian preliminaries draw: the Orangemen Qatar, Bhutan, China, Hong Kong and group

2015-04-14 17:59:01来源: 中国新闻网

中新网4月14日电 北京时间今天傍晚,2018年俄罗斯世界杯亚洲区预选赛40强赛抽签仪式在吉隆坡举行。国足被分在C组,与卡塔尔、马尔代夫和中国香港同组。 根据规则,此次40强赛抽签共抽出8个小组...

Beijing 4 month 14 Beijing time this evening, 2018 Russian World Cup Asian Zone qualifiers for the 40 finals draw ceremony in Kuala Lumpur. The country is divided into the C group, with the same group of Qatar, Maldives, and Hongkong. According to the rules, the 40 strong draw a total of 8 teams draw...