新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中美同意为缩小贸易逆差进行建设性合作


China and the United States agreed to constructively narrowing the trade deficit

2017-07-28 18:54:22来源: 新浪

7月19日,首届中美全面经济对话在华盛顿举行。这是今年4月中美首脑会晤达成四大对话机制后,双方进行的首次部长级经济对话。 中美贸易逆差一直是特朗普竞选期间和上台执政后的核心议题。在此次对话之前,...

On July 19, the first china-us comprehensive economic dialogue held in Washington. This is china-us summit in April this year to achieve four after the dialogue, the two sides of the first ministerial economic dialogue. The us-china trade deficit has been trump campaign during and after the power of the core issues. Before the talks,...