新关注 > 信息聚合 > 招聘会现奇葩条件:会玩LOL者优先录用


Recruitment is wonderful work conditions: play LOL is preferred

2017-02-06 21:10:52来源: 环球网

如今网络游戏已经逐渐被正名,甚至已经成为大学专业,有时在应聘时也会成为有效的敲门砖。 在2月4日的重庆某大型综合招聘会上,在某文化传媒公司的招聘启事上,贴着:“会玩英雄联盟者优先”。 据重庆...

Today, network game has gradually become name, even has become a professional college, sometimes when applying for will also be a valid ticket. In chongqing in the February 4 a large comprehensive job fairs, on the job Posting a culture media company, with: "will play the hero alliance is preferred. According to chongqing...

标签: LOL